October 24th - 27th


By  J.B. Priestley
Join us for a gripping journey into the secrets and lies of a seemingly perfect evening in 'Dangerous Corner' by J.B. Priestley, a thrilling play that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss this riveting performance that will leave you questioning the truth on Tuesday, October 24th through Friday, October 27th.

Ticketing Information

Tickets are currently available at Bee's Marketplace for pre-purchase. 
All tickets will also be available at the door.
$15 $25

October 24 - 7:30 PM


Tickets will be discounted for students and families.

October 25-27 - 7:30 PM

Wednesday - Friday

Main event ticket. Access to a night of secrets, betrayal, and mystery


The performance will be at the Centennial Academy. See the map below for directions.

"It's a dangerous corner that we've turned."

'Dangerous Corner' by J.B. Priestley is a gripping and suspenseful drama that delves into the intricacies of truth, deception, and the consequences of hidden secrets. The play unfolds during a seemingly ordinary gathering of close friends at a country house. However, when a chance remark and the introduction of a mysterious and dangerous object disrupt the evening, it sets off a chain reaction that peels away the veneer of respectability and exposes hidden truths.

As the characters grapple with the consequences of their actions and the revelation of concealed information, the narrative takes unexpected twists and turns. The play explores the fragile nature of human relationships, the unreliability of memory, and the profound impact of secrets on personal lives.

"Dangerous Corner" is a masterful exploration of the complexities of human behavior and the blurred lines between reality and illusion. With a skillful blend of suspense and psychological insight, the play keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, wondering what lies behind the dangerous corner of truth waiting to be uncovered.


Claude T Cawley's creative vision brings this play to life in a truly remarkable way!


John Cawley orchestrates a seamless production for an unforgettable show.


Our cast is formed from talented members of our local community.


A heartfelt thanks to our supportive community for making this play a success.
  • A Mesmerizing Thrill Ride!
    Prepare to be spellbound by 'Dangerous Corner.' This captivating production keeps you guessing until the very end, with its brilliantly executed suspense and stellar cast. The intricate web of secrets and lies will leave you on the edge of your seat, making this a must-see theatrical masterpiece that will keep you talking long after the final curtain falls.
  • A Riveting Dive into Deception and Drama
    'Dangerous Corner' is a riveting exploration of the human psyche, beautifully brought to life by a talented ensemble. The play's intricate character dynamics and suspenseful plot twists create a magnetic atmosphere that lures you into a world where nothing is as it seems. Don't miss this engaging and thought-provoking experience that will challenge your perceptions of truth and trust.
  • Thrilling, Thought-Provoking, and Unforgettable!
    'Dangerous Corner' is a theatrical gem that delivers an enthralling blend of mystery and psychological drama. The exceptional cast skillfully unravels a complex narrative filled with intrigue and emotional depth. With each revelation, the play keeps you guessing and second-guessing, making it an unforgettable journey into the darker recesses of human nature. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that's not to be missed!
Contact us with any questions or inquiries.

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